Bayraktar TB2
14 October 2021
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
- Azerbaijan : Azerbaijani Ministery of Defence and Turkish Air Force
- Burkina Faso (Update : 07/01/2022)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Libya
- Morocco : CN-AOM, CN-AOS
- Somalia (tentative)
- Ukrain
001071 does it again ! Apparently there was a 001071 up in Van and one being tested in Ukraine which the tracker not unreasonably sees as one and the same making it look like a TB2 zipped around at totally unreasonable speeds.Even most brilliant Russian system is making confused ! Is Turkey machina or Ukraina machina ? (Russian accent.)