Bayraktar TB2
01 September 2021
10:52 UTC
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
- Azerbaijan : Azerbaijani Ministery of Defence and Turkish Air Force
- Burkina Faso (Update : 07/01/2022)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Libya
- Morocco : CN-AOM, CN-AOS
- Somalia (tentative)
- Ukrain
The 001071 obfuscation/confusion in action : trackers quite reasonably assume an aircraft's 24-bit address is unique. Because there's several different 001071s active across Turkey and beyond, the tracker has one '001071' zipping across Turkey covering thousands of kilometres in no time flat doing 69 kts.This is known in the trade as a cunning plan.