Bayraktar TB2
20 December 2020
12:58 UTC
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
- Azerbaijan : Azerbaijani Ministery of Defence and Turkish Air Force
- Burkina Faso (Update : 07/01/2022)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Libya
- Morocco : CN-AOM, CN-AOS
- Somalia (tentative)
- Ukrain
Turkey's star/killer drone near the Syrian border. Some time after spotting it in that area there were reports of a drone crashing near Kobani. Given that it was the only drone visible in the area at the time and given that Kobani is well within it's reach it is not impossible that this was the drone that reportedly went down in Syria.The TB2's maximum speed is 220 km/h and cruises at around 130 km/h.