Bayraktar TB2
22 December 2021
13:43 UTC
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
Other countries apart from Turkey, with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order)
- Azerbaijan : Azerbaijani Ministery of Defence and Turkish Air Force
- Burkina Faso (Update : 07/01/2022)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Libya
- Morocco : CN-AOM, CN-AOS
- Somalia (tentative)
- Ukrain
The first Libyan Air Force machine we add to the database : a Turkish Bayraktar TB2. Another 001071 to drive the trackers crazy.So we have confirmation of the type of goodies visitors like TUAF221 are ferrying in in contravention of the UN embargo.